Let’s talk about cleaning. To some, it comes naturally. To others, it can be the greatest challenge of their modern life! If you’re in the latter category – you’re not alone! Kicking those messy habits can be hard, but it will also have a hugely positive impact on your life. Here are five simple tips to keep your house clean and kick those habits:

1. Do a little everyday

Are you one of those people who let things get out of control for months, then spends hours cleaning it all at once? Well, dedicating just 10 minutes before you leave the house every day will make a huge difference! Chuck on some upbeat music and make sure you have put everything away, including dishes and clothes on the floor. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit – and now’s a good as any time to start! Once you have a routine down pat, you can come home to a happy, tidy and wholesome house!

2. Put things away as you go

Changing this small habit will decrease your cleaning sessions in the long run. If you put things away as you go, you avoid all that future clutter and stress. A good rule of thumb is – once you use something, make a habit of putting it away before moving onto the next thing.

A great way to get started on this routine is to make sure you have a clear place for everything! Everything you own should have a home – from toiletries to utensils, electronics and books. Set aside some time to make sure your draws and cupboards are organised and stick to keeping every possession in its place.


3. Make your bed everyday

Start the day with this 30 second accomplishment and set yourself up for success. The author of The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg says that “Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.” Winner! Set your intentions for the day with this simple activity, and make yourself feel instantly motivated because you’ve already achieved something and it hasn’t even been 5 minutes into your morning! Give this a go and you’ll never look back, trust us.

4. Take your shoes off at your front door

If you take your shoes off at your door… guess what, you stop trekking dirt through the house, and you will be able to find your shoes again! Now there’s no science proving this one, but I’m thinking that if you don’t wear shoes in your house you will definitely be more motivated to keeping the floors clean too, right?! This one’s a triple win.


5. Deal with items as soon as they enter your home

Our last tip correlates with tip #2, because it applies to every new item that comes into your home too. When you bring groceries, mail or anything else home, find a place for it straight away. This eliminates the chance of it building up and becoming an overwhelming task that requires a great amount of attention. Pro tip: if you deal with your mail straight away you will stop getting those pesky reminders when you forget to pay bills from your clutter pile!

Do you already do any of these 5 simple activities to keep your home clean? Or have any more to add to the list?

Share your tips and experiences with us on Facebook


