
2020 is fast approaching… and what better time to step into a new decade than with 10 simple new year’s resolutions to live a ‘greener’ lifestyle?

Here’s our list of small adjustments that can make a big impact:


1. Remember your reusable bag

Since the supermarket plastic bag ban, we’ve had over a year to develop the habit of bringing a reusable bag. We all try our best to remember it, but sometimes life gets in the way and we find ourselves bagless at the register. Try to increase your reusable bag usage by stashing some in the car, keeping one at the front door, keep a small one in your bag, store one at work, and start your shopping list with “bags” at the top of the list.


2. Give your coffee a second purpose

Coffee isn’t just for drinking anymore! Don’t toss your used coffee grounds, you can actually spoon some warm grounds and mix it with your hand soap to create a light scrub. Then, scatter remaining coffee grounds around your evergreen shrubs and trees to make an energizing fertilizer for them.


3. Put your computer to sleep

Remember to turn off your computer screen saver and put it into sleep mode when it’s not in use. This is a simple one to remember every night, but 365 days of using less energy sure does add up!


4. Eat in season

Think globally, buy locally. Eating locally grown foods that haven’t travelled thousands of kilometres to land on your plate can drastically cut down on global-warming pollution. Plus, it’s fresher and tastier when it’s in season!


5. Fix leaky faucets

Did you know a faucet that drops once each second can waste over 30 litres of water per day, and more than 11,000 litres per year?! Fixing your leaky faucets is a one-time activity that is totally worth the time it takes. Better yet, your 2020 water bill will thank you for it.


6. Create a healthy homeStarting the new year with a fresh, clean home is a great way to set the tone for the rest of 2020. Choosing natural cleaning products that are safe to use around small children, pets and family members who have allergies is a great way to create the healthy home your family deserves. Did you miss the spring cleaning train? It’s never too late – here’s our ultimate spring cleaning checklist for your home.



7. Turn dollars into sense

It’s always tempting to pump up the air conditioner during the summertime, but you could save on energy consumption by turning down the thermostat, opting for the fan instead of the air conditioner, or just reduce the time your air conditioner is turned on during the day. It’s not always easy in the sweltering summer heat, but if you set a reminder every day to do one of these things each day, you develop a good routine for the rest of the year (and your electric bill will be nicer to you).


8. Check your vehicle

Inflate your tires once a month or as necessary, replace the air filter and tune up your engine regularly. Depending on the age of your car, it could help to boost your fuel economy.


9. Drive less

On that note, why not ditch the car a few days per week and switch things up with a new mode of transport? While it might take getting used to, not driving means no traffic, no parking tickets, no stress trying to find a parking spot. Whether it’s biking, walking or taking public transport, it’s a great way to squeeze in a little exercise in the day.


10. Start composting

A compost pile or composter turns your food and lawn waste into rich mulch. It’s a great way to reduce your rubbish production, and if you start today, you’ll have rich compost just in time for spring planting!


While these don’t seem like significant actions, a few simple lifestyle changes by many people could have a huge impact on the earth. What are some other green lifestyle tips you do at home?

